// Sara Parisi
Uma performances multidimensional do universo da mulher
O intuito desse projeto é trazer um olhar ampliado sobre universo feminino para resignificarlo....
Perforfemina é um coletivo dinâmico de mulheres performers que propõe trabalhos que trazem a visão de diferentes dimensões do universo "mulher". Especialmente para o festival de dança de Itacare do 2022, sera apresentada uma visão multidimensional em três breves performances, na qual participam as artistas Gênova Alvarado, Sara Parisi e Hana Brener. Juntas tecen diversas poética da mulher como filha e semente da terra, da mulher que se faz habitar e exasperar pelos espaços domésticos e da mulher-corpo-onírico, numa estética mitológica contemporânea e grotesca.
Duo de Sara Parisi com o filho de um ano Omar
“ A MULHER, dentro da sua casa/templo, incorpora várias facetas da Divindade... O fascínio, a vulnerabilidade, a potência, o grotesco, a resiliência, e a sua terrível energia dominante. Assim sempre vem sendo censurada, calada… Queimada!” Atingindo as tradições antigas que me atravessam, no culto vodoun da África e na dança da Taranta do Sul da Itália, a TRANS é considerada como um meio de "terapia" social para exteriorizar os monstros e as potências do indivíduo. As diversas expressões das facetas da identidade podem se liberar e exteriorizar manifestando o “divino” que habita o ser humano. Nesta performance instalação se apresenta um quadro grotesco da mulher objeto de desejo, mãe com filho anexo, cuidadora, servidora, transformadora e criadora da realidade.

(Work in progress)
Concept: Sara Parisi e Nuvola Vandini
with the support of the ASIRC / www.axissyllabus.org
The inquiry field is about addiction and the relationship of the body with the overcharge of informations. Hikikomori is the name of one of the many addictions of our contemporary society: the addiction of to much informations with the pathological consequence of self isolation and confinement.
Inspired by a scientist, Bruce Alexander, that in the 70' create the RAT PARK as a contest to experiment drugs addiction on rats: not a simple cage but a confined space rich of different informations, activities, food, drugs and a social contest for interaction.
In 2016 Sara and Nuvola conceived the HUMAN PARK, a performative experiment to test informations addiction on humans, with the aim to show how scientific strategies are questionable and how humans are squized in cages maded by symbols and stereotypes created by the ones who have the power to manipulate informations. A cage, in a cage, in a cage...
Video of the result of the first week of creative reserch:
Quadro II: " Cross Cultural Parc "
Video installazione.
This Creative project was born during the International Nomadic College Festival Italia 2016 organized by the ASIRC (Axis Syllabus International Comunity) during a choreographic laboratory leaded by Francesca Pedullà, Baris Michi and Frey Faust. ( www.axissyllabus.org)
The Italian Association Synergika.asd support the financial aspect and give support to rehersal space. (www.synergikaasd.com)

HIKIKOMORI / contr-addiction

HIKIKOMORI / contr-addiction
MADE IN AFRICA ( more or less..)
Performance for two dancers and one camera
Concept: Sara Parisi, Francesca Pedullà, Antoine Renouard
Dance: Sara Parisi, Francesca Pedullà
Camera: Antoine Renouard
With the support of: Association Sonagnon (Cotonou),
Spazio Saravà (Genova), Centre Choréographique Multicorps (Cotonou).
Video demo : https://vimeo.com/108847357
The performance is an uncommon hybrid between “cinema live” and performance, in which the choreography is structured around functional rather than aesthetic physical attitudes and gestures, revealing a body shaped by and reflecting on its environmental, cultural and social conditioning.
Live filmed sequences fragment reality, highlight the uselessness of a single point of view, augment and complete the expressiveness of the performing bodies that become landscape in the service of the camera.

« Je ne sais plus qui a fait quoi » video danse
Conçu et réalisé par le Collectif qui n’a pas encore trouvé son nom
Video: https://vimeo.com/206325055
RÉALISATION / MONTAGE : Antoine Renouard
PRODUCTEUR : Sonagnon (Bénin) Artechanges (Bénin / France) Creations Entrelacées (France)
CHORÉGRAPHIE : Francesca Pedullà - Marguerite Salvy - Sara Parisi
INTERPRÈTES: Michel Adjissé - Richard Adossou - Rachelle Agbossou - Frey Faust - Guillaume Niedjo - Clement Kakpo - Marguerite Salvy - Francesca Pedullà - Sara Parisi
ÉQUIPE TECHNIQUE : Julien Bonelli - Attikpo Delama - Adrien Michel - Antoine Renouard - Ian Wilson
Des femmes et des hommes
Des destins, réunis pour avancer.
A chacun sa différence, à chacun sa vérité.
La vérité du plus fort est toujours la meilleure.

L'idée de ce projet initié au Bénin, est le besoin explosif d'exprimer nos sentiments et impressions. Le propos du film réside dans l'absurdité et la nécessité d'atteindre l'unité pour le genre humain, ainsi que dans la quasi-impossible, urgente mais toujours terrible tâche d'essayer de se comprendre les uns les autres. Le message sous-jacent est un appel à aller voir au delà de l'illusion des relations humaines dans lesquelles la vérité et le pouvoir sont trop souvent définis selon un seul point de vue.
Le film a été invité/ projecté :
-ScreenDance Africa Mini Festival (Afrique du Sud) -OK Dance Films Festival (USA, Okhlaoma) -42nd Dance on Camera Festival (USA, New Jersey)
-En Route Dance Films Festival
DU MYTHE DU DIEU ARGENT Dance - Theater and Live Music
"A civilization begins in myth and ends in doubt." E. M. Cioran
Directed by: Francesca Pedulla and Davide Francesca
Original Music: Eric Acakpo, Anicet Aymonde Gildas, Lorenzo Gasperoni
Choreography: Francesca Pedulla and Group Work
Cast: Richard Adossou, Kelly Keenan, Roberta Messa, Papis N'Doye,
Sara Parisi, Francesca Pedulla, Medard Sossa, Sara Tassara
Musicians: Eric Acakpo, Anicet Gildas Aymonde, Aliou Guessere
Lighting Design: Luciano Novelli ; Video: Antoine Renouard
Costumes: Davide Francesca ; Sculpure: Davide dall'Osso
This work recounts one of the possible versions of the story of the God Money. Sent to Earth to facilitate exchanges among human beings, Money takes pleasure in playing with their weaknesses and, taking control of their will, he will become increasingly more powerful...
Using an ironic and symbolic language, this story leads us into an imaginary but familiar universe. The piece makes use of the allegorical power of myth to celebrate humanity, without illusions, without shame, recognizing that human been can be as brilliant and sensitive as mean and vulgar.

Du Mythe du Dieu Argent

Du Mythe du Dieu Argent